Services & Benefits
Professional Services
Claim Investigation
Owner's Representation
Vessel Tank Cleaning
Pipeline Transfers
Cargo Quality Issues
Pollution Safety Advisors
For demurrage and marine claim services, contact Fairway Maritime LLC
Vessel Attendance
Blending Supervision
STS (Ship to Ship) Operations
Floating Storage Operations
Terminal Operations / Inventory Control
Due Diligence Inspections
Scale - the ability to serve our clients worldwide at a moment's notice. This allows us to offer lump-sum and per bbl pricing for accurate accruals.
Reliable and Continuous Communication - to keep clients abreast of all developments including potential issues that may arise during operations.
Expert Surveyors - not sub-contractors. All work is performed by experienced, qualified full time employees of General Maritime providing a consistent and reliable service. Professionally staffed offices provide commercial and technical advice.
Reduced Insurance Premiums - by having a qualified surveyor attending the vessel, General Maritime's clients are often able to procure a discount on their cargo insurance premiums.